Poročni eksperiment

Gre za prav posebo tehniko združevanja analognih fotografij oz. negativ in dia pozitiv filmov in fotografiranja le teh v makro tehniki s končnim posnetkom, ki je narejen z digitalnim fotoaparatom. Digitalne postprodukcije skoraj da ni.

Zahtevna tehnika, ki vzame veliko časa. Vendar se izplača. Rezultati so čudoviti, se strinjate?

Love and you will be loved. Enjoy and be grateful for the beautiful moments that you will remember all your life. Like Forrest Gump said: “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get…” and so, life will bring you pain and life will bring you happiness. We need ups and downs in our lives. That makes it interesting and beautiful.